
300 NE 80th Terrace
Miami, FL 33138

(305) 795-2100



WIC is the nation's most successful and cost-effective public health nutrition program. We provide wholesome food, nutrition education, breastfeeding support and community referrals for income-eligible women who are pregnant or postpartum, infants, and children.

WIC provides the following at no cost:
Healthy foods
Nutrition education and counseling
Breastfeeding support
Referrals to health care, immunizations, and community services

Geography Served

    If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.

  • Florida
    • Miami-dade County
    Edit Service DetailsClick here to see this service (LJ-5000.1000) and related services within the Service Tree.

    Geography Served

      If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.

    • Florida
      • Miami-dade County
      Edit Service DetailsClick here to see this service (LH-2700.6000) and related services within the Service Tree.

      Geography Served

        If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.

      • Florida
        • Miami-dade County
        Edit Service DetailsClick here to see this service (NL-6000.9500) and related services within the Service Tree.

        General Information


        8:00am-5:00pm, Mon-Fri

        Intake Process:

        To apply for WIC in Miami-Dade County call 786-336-1300 to make an appointment at your nearest WIC office.

        For breastfeeding support contact our helpline at 786-336-1336.

        To apply outside Miami-Dade County call 1-800-342-3556.

        WIC requires identification, residency in Florida, and an assessment of your family income.

        For full details regarding WIC eligibility, please visit http://miamidade.floridahealth.gov/programs-and-services/clinical-and-nutrition-services/wic-women-children/eligibility-payment.html.

        Citizenship and/or residency status is NOT a requirement for WIC eligibility.

        Program Fees:



        English, Spanish, Creole, Others available upon request


        Women who are pregnant or postpartum, infants, and children up to 5 years old.

        Handicap Accessible?



        Parking is available onsite. Accessible by bus.

        Is Shelter?




        Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children, Health Department

        Related Resource

        Date of Official Change:

        January 7, 2025

        Legal Status:

        Public Service

        Year Incorporated:


        Geography Served

          If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.

        • Florida
          • Miami-dade County
          Edit Service DetailsClick here to see this service (LJ-5000.1000) and related services within the Service Tree.

          Geography Served

            If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.

          • Florida
            • Miami-dade County
            Edit Service DetailsClick here to see this service (LH-2700.6000) and related services within the Service Tree.

            Geography Served

              If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.

            • Florida
              • Miami-dade County
              Edit Service DetailsClick here to see this service (NL-6000.9500) and related services within the Service Tree.

              Address Listings


              300 NE 80th Terrace
              Miami, FL 33138

              Physical (Primary)

              300 NE 80th Terrace
              Miami, FL 33138


              Carla Sabugo

              Primary Contact

              Director of Outreach and WIP programs

              Update contact

              (786) 336-7922


              Yesenia D. Villalta, APRN, DNP, MSN

              Administrator/Health Officer

              (786) 336-1259


              Phone Numbers


              (305) 795-2100


              (305) 795-2010

              WIC Appointment Line

              (786) 336-1300

              WIC TTY/TDD

              (786) 336-1335

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