
Viewing 181-190 of 221 results (listed by best match)

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If you specify an area served the provider only needs to offer service in that area to appear as a search result. The provider is not required to be physically located in the area specified. For example, a suicide hotline will be physically located in a single building but can serve multiple areas.

Note: You may only specificy one type of location (zipcode OR city OR county OR state), not a combination.

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Note: If you receive too few search results consider running a broader search. Other service providers still might be able to help even though they do not especially serve a specific group.

Service Codes

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Note: If you combine taxonomy codes with keywords a provider will only turn up in search results if it contains both.

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Safelink Wireless service is a program for income eligible households provided by TracFone Wireless, Inc.

Services: Discounted Telephone Service, Mobile Devices

9700 NW 112th Avenue

Medley, FL 33178

(800) 723-3546


The Salvation Army has been serving Miami-Dade since 1913 through shelters, rehabilitation centers, emergency food, rental assistance, emergency disaster services, Christmas assistance, daily community outreach programs and more.

Services: Career Development, Case/Care Management, Disaster Donations Matching Services, Group Counseling, Homeless Shelter, Housing Search Assistance, Individual Counseling, Life Skills Education, Residential Alcohol Use Disorder Treatment Facilities, Residential Drug Use Disorder Treatment Facilities, Subject Tutoring, Volunteer Opportunities

1907 NW 38th Street

Miami, FL 33142

(305) 456-5850


Here's Hope is a 72 bed facility that provides transitional housing, meals, case management, NA and AA support groups, individual drug and alcohol counseling, HIV education, life skills, and provide referrals for physical and mental health care to individuals and families infected or affected by HIV/AIDS.

Services: Addictions/Substance Use Disorder Support Groups, AIDS/HIV Control, Alcohol Use Disorder Counseling, Drug Use Disorder Counseling, Life Skills Education, Transitional Case/Care Management, Transitional Housing/Shelter, Volunteer Opportunities

1907 NW 38th Street

Miami, FL 33142

(305) 456-5850


Provides emergency shelter and case management for homeless males.

Services: Homeless Shelter, Transitional Case/Care Management, Volunteer Opportunities

1907 NW 38th Street

Miami, FL 33142

(305) 456-5850


Provides emergency housing for women and children.

Services: Domestic Violence Support Groups, Emergency Shelter

1907 NW 38th Street

Miami, FL 33142

(305) 456-5850


Casa de Meredith provides transitional permanent supportive housing for single women and men, women and men with children and intact families.

Services: Transitional Housing/Shelter

1620 Spaulding Court

Key West, FL 33040

(305) 296-0240 x111


Kathy's Hope is a program-based permanent supportive housing for single women and women with children.

Services: Homeless Permanent Supportive Housing

161 Howey Road

Key West, FL 33040

(305) 296-0240 x111


The Mary Spottswood Women's Center is the Monroe County, FL emergency shelter for single women and women with minor children, providing services for up to 90 days.

Services: Emergency Shelter

1614 Truesdell Court

Key West, FL 33040

(305) 296-0240


Offers HIV education, HIV counseling and testing, outreach and peer education, transportation assistance, food vouchers, temporary shelter placement, prevention programs, case management, and other information and referral related to HIV/AIDS.

Services: AIDS/HIV Prevention Counseling, Emergency Shelter Clearinghouses, HIV Testing, Non-Emergency Medical Transportation, Specialized Information and Referral, Transitional Case/Care Management

1611 NW 12th Avenue

ACC-East/First Floor 102

Miami, FL 33136

(305) 585-5241


The Sister Season Fund, Inc.

Services: Electric Service Payment Assistance, Gas Service Payment Assistance, Rent Payment Assistance

422 Fleming Street

Key West, FL 33040

(305) 304-9828

Viewing 181-190 of 221 results (listed by best match)
