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If you specify an area served the provider only needs to offer service in that area to appear as a search result. The provider is not required to be physically located in the area specified. For example, a suicide hotline will be physically located in a single building but can serve multiple areas.

Note: You may only specificy one type of location (zipcode OR city OR county OR state), not a combination.

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Each provider profile contains a unique field for listing volunteer opportunities. Words entered here will be matched against that field.

If you need services for a particular group of people you can select that group below. Providers who turn up in search results are specifically identified to serve the selected group.

Note: If you receive too few search results consider running a broader search. Other service providers still might be able to help even though they do not especially serve a specific group.

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Note: If you combine taxonomy codes with keywords a provider will only turn up in search results if it contains both.

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Provides individual psychotherapy, play therapy, family therapy, marital counseling available, couples counseling, GLBTQ counseling, workplace issues, divorce counseling, mood disorders (anxiety, bipolar, depression, panic disorders).

Services: Conjoint Counseling, Divorce Counseling, Family Counseling, Marriage and Relationships Counseling, Mental Health Occupational Therapy, Play Therapy, Private Therapy Practices, Sexual Orientation Counseling

2999 NE 191st Street

Suite 703

Miami, FL 33180

(305) 931-5151


Provides positive psychology, neuropsychology, neuropsychoeducation evaluations, employee assistance programs, cognitive behavioral, ACT, Solution-focused Therapy and gestalt psychotherapy.

Services: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Family Counseling, Gestalt Therapy, Group Counseling, Individual Counseling, Neuropsychiatry/Neuropsychology, Private Therapy Practices, Psychotherapy/Psychoanalysis

407 Lincoln Road

Suite 6L

Miami Beach, FL 33139

(305) 450-1470


This program offers a comprehensive array of services including outpatient treatment, dual diagnosis treatment, relapse treatment, family therapy and counseling, community education programs, outpatient adolescent treatment program, continuing care programs and residential extended treatment.

Services: Comprehensive Outpatient Alcohol Use Disorder Treatment, Comprehensive Outpatient Drug Use Disorder Treatment, Family Counseling

8750 SW 144TH Street

Suite 207

Miami, FL 33176

(786) 662-8118


TAL is a Non-Profit Jewish Organization founded by Cantor Gastón & Marcela Bogomolni Its mission is dedicated to educate, bring awareness and to help elevate the consciousness in the community.

Services: Bereavement and Grief Counseling, Community Mental Health Agencies, Divorce Counseling, Family Counseling, Marriage and Relationships Counseling

12781 Miramar Parkway

Suite 1-203

Miramar, FL 33027

(786) 648-3588


The Counseling Group staff works with children, adolescents and adults and offers: * Individual, Couple, and Family consultations * Group Therapy Sessions for DBT Therapy (Dialectical Behavioral Therapy) * Mental Health Evaluations - psycho education, psych evaluations for all levels * Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy * CogMed * Psychoeducational Testing * Eating disorders * Somatic Experience - how the body somatizises trauma On staff: 1 Nutritionist, 2 psychologists (PsyD), licensed mental health counselors/social workers

Services: Conjoint Counseling, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, Family Counseling, Group Counseling, Individual Counseling, Mental Health Evaluation, Psychiatric Medication Monitoring, Special Education Assessment

2840 SW 3rd Avenue

Miami, FL 33129

(305) 857-0050


Give an Hour is a national non-profit who provides no cost mental health services to at-risk populations in need throughout the United States.

Services: Adolescent/Youth Counseling, Adult Psychiatry, Anger Management, Anxiety Disorders Screening, Bereavement and Grief Counseling, Brain Injury Assessment, Case/Care Management, Child Guidance, Critical Incident Stress Debriefing, Depression Screening, Divorce Counseling, Faith Based Counseling, Family Counseling, Group Counseling, Marriage and Relationships Counseling, Sexual Assault Counseling

PO Box 1532

Clarksburg, MD 20871

(800) 273-8255


Thelma Gibson Health Initiative provides health related care to diverse and underserved groups within Coconut Grove, Coral Gables, South Miami and the wider Miami-Dade community.

Services: AIDS/HIV Prevention Counseling, Case/Care Management, Family Counseling, Group Counseling, HIV Testing, Individual Counseling, Substance Use Disorder Counseling, Substance Use Disorder Education/Prevention

3640-46 Grand Avenue

Miami, FL 33133

(305) 446-1543


Therapeutically Speaking’s goal is to provide quality service to clients and their families, agencies and other referral sources and to do this efficiently and economically.

Services: Family Counseling, Individual Counseling, Private Therapy Practices

2020 NE 163 Street

Suite 300

Miami, FL 33162

(305) 949-1515


The Children’s Hearing Program at UHealth, The University of Miami Health System, is a unique resource for the more than 12,000 babies born with hearing loss each year in the United States.

Services: Audiological Evaluations, Auditory/Verbal Training, Family Counseling, Hearing Aid Evaluations, Music Therapy

1120 NW 14th Street

5th Floor

Miami, FL 33136

(305) 243-3564


This program compares two different therapies for Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

Services: Adolescent/Youth Counseling, Adult Child Sexual Abuse Survivor Counseling, Family Counseling, Holocaust Counseling, Individual Counseling, Sexual Assault Treatment, Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Counseling

5665 Ponce De Leon Boulevard

2nd Floor

Miami, FL 33146

(305) 284-4265

Viewing 81-90 of 99 results (listed by best match)
