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Specialized State Courts
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Special courts that have been given the responsibility to handle cases involving drug-addicted offenders through an extensive supervision and treatment program. Drug court participants undergo long-term treatment and counseling sanctions, incentives and frequent court appearances. Successful completion of the program results in dismissal of charges, reduced or set aside sentences, lesser penalties, or a combination of these.
State courts that handle domestic relations cases including dissolution of marriages, nullification of marriages, legal separations, paternity actions, child custody, child support, visitation arrangements, spousal support and restraining orders; and which offer marriage and family counseling to help couples to reconcile or, if reconciliation is impossible, to reach an amicable agreement on a custody plan.
State courts that handle LPS conservatorships and cases which involve psychiatric evaluations, investigations, hearings and trials related to the involuntary detention of people who are alleged to have severe emotional problems and who are unable or unwilling to seek voluntary care for themselves.
State courts that handle regular guardianships, the establishment of decedents' wills, the settlement of decedents' estates, and decisions relating to the administration of the estates of minors and individuals adjudged to be incompetent to manage their own affairs.
State courts that hear civil cases involving no more than $5,000 and which require parties to the action to present their own cases. The judge hears both sides and renders a judgment.
State courts that hear cases which involve metropolitan area traffic violations.
Special state courts that handle cases involving veterans charged with crimes, generally nonviolent felonies and misdemeanors in which post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), substance abuse, traumatic brain injuries and mental illness are underlying factors. The objective of the courts is to get veterans into treatment where the root causes of their behavior can be addressed as an alternative to time in jail. Compliance with court requirements is monitored through regularly scheduled court hearings and charges against participants are dropped following completion of treatment if they have remained alcohol and drug free and have committed no new offenses.