Service Tree

The Service Tree lists all services in "branched" groups, starting with the very general and moving to the very specific. Click on the name of any group name to see the sub-groups available within it. Click on a service code to see its details and the providers who offer that service.

Birth Orientation Programs

Programs that offer orientation sessions which provide information regarding birthing options and/or tours of the birthing facility for children, grandparents and other family members to help them understand and feel a part of the birthing experience.

Cesarean Birthing Classes

Programs that offer classes or other educational experiences which prepare prospective mothers and their birth partners for the childbirth process in situations where the woman knows that there is a high probability that surgical removal of the fetus will be necessary. Topics may include a review of the indications of a cesarean birth, hospital procedures, recovery exercises, postpartum comfort measures and emotional and family adjustments. The goal of the classes is to prepare the woman for what she will experience during and after surgical birth.

Early Pregnancy Classes

Programs that offer classes for the expectant woman and her partner, generally during the first six months of pregnancy, which focus on anatomy and physiology, fetal development, emotional adjustments, discomforts of pregnancy and means of relief, nutrition, the effects of smoking and drinking on fetal development and options for childbirth preparation.

Prepared Childbirth

Programs that offer classes or other educational experiences which prepare prospective mothers and their partners for childbirth without the use of medication (analgesics, epidurals, spinal anesthetics or general anesthetics) to the extent possible by instructing them in one or a combination of breathing techniques which permit them to facilitate delivery by relaxing at the proper time with respect to their involuntary contractions. The classes also emphasize a series of exercises to strengthen the back and pelvic floor, the importance of being up and walking around during labor and the use of a supportive squat position rather than a prone position for delivery. Included are Lamaze classes which address situations in which medication may become necessary and ensure that the woman and her partner are fully informed about their medication options; Bradley classes which emphasize a high degree of involvement on the part of the woman in discussing the recommendations of her doctor and avoidance of medication at all costs; and classes that are representative of other methods. The goals of the preparation are to dispel the fear and pain that are associated with childbirth and to facilitate the delivery of a healthy child.

Vaginal Birth After Cesarean Classes

Programs that offer classes that are designed for couples who are planning a vaginal birth following a previous cesarean birth.
