Service Tree

The Service Tree lists all services in "branched" groups, starting with the very general and moving to the very specific. Click on the name of any group name to see the sub-groups available within it. Click on a service code to see its details and the providers who offer that service.

Special Psychiatric Programs

Home Based Mental Health Services

Programs that provide clinical therapeutic services, medication, daily living skills assistance and other mental health services for people who are unable to leave their homes because of the severity of their mental or emotional disturbance or the disabling effects of complicating medical conditions; for families with children experiencing a crisis that is so severe that the child is at imminent risk for hospitalization or placement in a residential treatment facility; or for people for whom home-based services are the most appropriate option.

Integrated Co-Occurring Disorders Treatment

Programs that provide coordinated treatment services for individuals who have a diagnosed mental illness which interferes with their functioning in a substantial way in combination with a substance use disorder that aggravates their ability to become stabilized or recover. Both psychiatric and substance use disorder treatment are provided at the same time, at the same place and by the same multidisciplinary team or a single provider trained and competent in co-occurring disorders. The approach seeks to treat the whole person instead of looking only at one issue at a time; mental illnesses and substance use disorders are seen as intertwined, not separate.

Psychiatric Case Management

Programs that develop case plans for the evaluation, treatment and/or care of individuals who have mental, emotional or social problems and need assistance in arranging for services; which assess the individual's needs; coordinate the delivery of needed services; ensure that services are obtained in accordance with the case plan; and follow up and monitor progress to ensure that services are having a beneficial impact on the problem.

Psychiatric Day Treatment

Programs that provide a therapeutic environment for individuals who have acute or chronic mental or emotional disturbances, who do not require full-time hospital care but who can benefit from a structured environment for some portion of the day or week. Services may include individual, group and/or family therapy; social and recreational activities; and a range of adjunctive therapies. Psychiatric day treatment programs may be offered by freestanding day treatment facilities, by psychiatric hospitals or by psychiatric units in general acute care hospitals.

Psychiatric Medication Services

Programs that prescribe antidepressants, antianxiety drugs, antimaniacs, sedatives and antipsychotic/neuroleptic medications to control symptoms such as delusions, extreme agitation, panic attacks, manic or depressive episodes, hallucinations or paranoia that are associated with specific forms of mental illness. Services may include a psychiatric evaluation to determine the need for medication; prescription of an appropriate drug; and periodic follow-up to monitor the effectiveness of the medication in modifying the individual's behavior, ensure that undesirable side effects are minimized and verify that medication is, in fact, being taken as prescribed.

Psychiatric Rehabilitation

Programs that integrate treatment strategies associated with psychiatry, occupational therapy and psychiatric case management to help individuals with a severe mental illness stabilize their clinical status, increase their ability to function within their environment with as little ongoing professional intervention as possible, and improve their overall quality of life. Services are provided within an intensive case management system and may include medication and supportive psychotherapy to alleviate symptoms; training in interpersonal and independent living skills with a focus on personal care and management, leisure skills, social interaction skills and vocational preferences and aptitudes; cognitive retraining; family psychoeducation; peer support; and assistance in gaining access to the resources and benefits to which they are entitled. The individual is actively involved in developing the treatment plan and selecting the types of training that will be relevant to their ongoing roles and relationships.
