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Viewing 1-7 of 7 results (listed by best match)

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ALL words entered here MUST appear in a provider's profile for that provider to turn up as a search result. 100 characters maximum.

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If any one of the words entered here appears in a provider's profile that provider will turn up as a search result. 100 characters maximum.

None of these words

If any of the words entered here appears in a provider's profile that provider will NOT turn up as a search result. 100 characters maximum.

If you specify a physical location the provider must be physically located in that area to turn up as a search result. This is typically useful for people in rural settings who need to find providers nearby.

Note: You may only specificy one type of location (zipcode OR city OR county OR state), not a combination.

ZIP code (five digits)

  • List by location
  • You may list the search results by location if you provide a five-digit ZIP code.



If you specify an area served the provider only needs to offer service in that area to appear as a search result. The provider is not required to be physically located in the area specified. For example, a suicide hotline will be physically located in a single building but can serve multiple areas.

Note: You may only specificy one type of location (zipcode OR city OR county OR state), not a combination.

ZIP code (five digits)



Each provider profile contains a unique field for listing volunteer opportunities. Words entered here will be matched against that field.

If you need services for a particular group of people you can select that group below. Providers who turn up in search results are specifically identified to serve the selected group.

Note: If you receive too few search results consider running a broader search. Other service providers still might be able to help even though they do not especially serve a specific group.

Service Codes

Enter taxonomy codes here. Separate each code with a comma.

Note: If you combine taxonomy codes with keywords a provider will only turn up in search results if it contains both.

Separate codes with a comma.

List alphabetically: This button orders the search results by their names from A to Z, or in reverse from Z to A if you click the button twice.

List by best match: This button orders the search results by their "rank," which is determined by how well the providers match your search criteria.

List by location: This button orders the search results by their ZIP codes, from near to far. You may also reverse the order (far to near) by clicking the button twice.


Provides know your rights presentations and legal services to individuals in immigration detention centers in South Florida.

Services: Comprehensive Immigration/Naturalization Services, Human Trafficking Prevention, Immigrant Visa Application Filing Assistance, Legal Counseling, Legal Representation

6355 NW 36th Street

Suite 2201

Miami, FL 33166

(305) 573-1106 x1250


The LUCHA program helps low income immigrants who are victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking victims.

Services: Comprehensive Immigration/Naturalization Services, Human Trafficking Prevention, Immigrant Visa Application Filing Assistance, Individual Advocacy, Legal Counseling, Legal Representation, Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Counseling

6355 NW 36th Street

Miami, FL 33166

(305) 573-1106


CASA’s immigration assistance and form preparation service provides clients with guidance and assistance in submitting immigration applications to USCIS by a group of specially certified paralegals and volunteer attorneys.

Services: Comprehensive Immigration/Naturalization Services, Immigrant/Refugee Employment Programs, Immigrant Visa Application Filing Assistance, Work Permits

(305) 463-7468


CASA attorneys represent immigrants before the Immigration Court, Board of Immigration Appeals, and U.

Services: Immigrant Visa Application Filing Assistance, Immigration/Naturalization Legal Services, Naturalization Support/Legal Services, Relief from Removal/Other Immigration Relief

(305) 463-7468


Match Grant program provides services by referring out for legal representation.

Services: General Legal Aid, Human Trafficking Hotlines, Immigrant Visa Application Filing Assistance, Job Training Formats, Refugee Resettlement Services, Specialized Information and Referral

7707 NW 2nd Avenue

Miami, FL 33150

(305) 883-4555


Provides refuge re-settlement, employment program, immigration legal services, orientation and legal representation for Refugees, Asyless, Cuban and Haitian entrants, victims of severe human trafficking.

Services: Immigrant Visa Application Filing Assistance, Legal Representation, Refugee Resettlement Services

1924 NW 84th Avenue

Doral, FL 33126

(305) 774-6770


Provides job placement services and immigration assistance to new immigrants.

Services: Immigrant Mutual Assistance Associations, Immigrant/Refugee Employment Programs, Immigrant Visa Application Filing Assistance, Job Search/Placement

5659 W Flagler Street

Miami, FL 33134

(305) 262-0060

Viewing 1-7 of 7 results (listed by best match)
