The Service Tree lists all services in "branched" groups, starting with the very general and moving to the very specific. Click on the name of any group name to see the sub-groups available within it. Click on a service code to see its details and the providers who offer that service.
Programs that provide creative recreational experiences in cooperative indoor and/or outdoor group living for children, usually age four to 13, or adults who are transported to the site each morning and who return to their homes at the end of each day. Transportation may be provided by the program or may be the responsibility of the family.
Programs that develop, maintain and make available to the public facilities for cooperative group living experiences in the out-of-doors for families who may need a break from day-to-day living to enjoy some quality time together and reconnect as a family or who simply want a summer or holiday getaway. The programs offer a wide range of activities for individual family members or the family as a whole which may include cookouts, crafts, nature lore and conservation, and a wide range of indoor and outdoor recreational, athletic and group social activities.
Residential or day camp facilities that provide opportunities for participants to develop their skills in a specific activity such as athletics, music or art.
Residential or day camp facilities where care and recreational activities are provided for children during the summer vacation period.
Residential or day camp facilities that are appropriately staffed and equipped to provide an opportunity for children or adults who have developmental disabilities, emotional disturbances or health impairments, or who have other limitations or problems which require special facilities or programming, to enjoy a cooperative indoor and/or outdoor living experience.