The Service Tree lists all services in "branched" groups, starting with the very general and moving to the very specific. Click on the name of any group name to see the sub-groups available within it. Click on a service code to see its details and the providers who offer that service.
Mental Health Related Prevention Programs
Mental Health First Aid Training
A public education program that offers courses which teach people how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental illness and substance use disorder in people with whom they interact. The symptoms of mental illness can be difficult to detect. Even when friends and family of someone who appears to be developing mental illness can tell that something is amiss, they may not know how to intervene or direct the person to proper treatment – which means that all too often, those in need of mental health services do not get them until it is too late. The training introduces participants to risk factors and warning signs, builds understanding of their impact, and provides an overview of common treatments. The course uses role-playing and simulations to demonstrate how to assess a mental health crisis, select appropriate interventions, provide initial help and connect people to professional, peer and social supports as well as self-help resources. A wide variety of people may find the course of value including teachers, first responders, law enforcement personnel, veterans and people who want to be prepared, in general, to help their neighbors, children, parents and friends and others.
Programs that attempt to reduce the number of children who run away from home each year through a variety of educational interventions which may focus on troubled children and youth, parents, professionals who work with children and families, law enforcement personnel and/or the community at large. The programs may provide information that will help people understand the difference between a runaway child and a missing child, the motivations of a runaway, the types of problems that increase the risk of a runaway (e.g., child abuse, divorce, alcohol or drug use, oppositional or defiant behavior, antisocial peer groups), warning signs of a potential runaway, communication tips and other steps a parent can take to prevent a child from running away, and community resource options for troubled children and youth and their families.
Programs that attempt to reduce the incidence of suicide through a variety of educational interventions which have the objective of exploring alternatives to self-harm or self-destruction. Suicide prevention programs help people understand the nature of the problem; the risk factors and warning signs; and sources for treatment and support. Included are prevention programs that address specific target populations as well as those that are intended to reach the community at large. Delivery formats may include printed materials, videos or websites that address the subject and presentations in schools and agencies and to family groups.