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Sexual Assault Prevention
Taxonomy Code: FN-1500.8150
Programs that help people who may be vulnerable to rape, molestation or other forms of sexual assault become aware of the general precautions that can be taken to reduce the risk of becoming a victim, and the alternatives for handling the situation should they be approached or attacked.
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Sexual Assault Volunteer Opportunities (PX-2300.8000)
Sexual Assault Protective/Restraining Orders (FT-6940.7900)
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Personal Safety Education (JR-8200.6500)
Dating Violence Prevention (FN-1500.1850)
Dating Site Complaints (DD-1500.2225)
Dating Abuse Hotlines (RP-1500.1400-190)
Crime Victim Support (FN-1900)
Confidential Address Protection Programs (FN-1900.0400)
Clergy Sexual Abuse Reporting (FN-1700.1400)