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Refugee/Asylee Relative Petition Filing Assistance
Taxonomy Code: FT-3600.3300-700
Programs that assist in filing petitions by refugees or asylees who are seeking to obtain derivative refugee status for their spouses and unmarried children younger than age 21. Petitions must be filed within two years of the arrival of the petitioner in the United States (i.e., within two years of gaining refugee or asylee status), and evidence substantiating spousal and/or family relationships must be filed. The spousal relationship must have existed prior to the petitioner's admission, and must currently exist. These programs may also assist in filing Affidavits of Relationship (AORs) by refugees, asylees, lawful permanent residents and citizens on behalf of family members who have fled their home country in cases where the country has been designated by the U.S. as a "refugee-eligible" country. Refugees, asylees and lawful permanent residents may file AORs for their spouses, parents, unmarried children of any age and orphaned nieces and nephews younger than age 21. Citizens may file for siblings and grandparents. AORs are processed by overseas Joint Voluntary Agencies or U.S. embassies and consulates. There is no time limit for filing an AOR.
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