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Urine Tests
Taxonomy Code: LF-5280.8900
Programs that offer urinalyses, a screening procedure that is used to detect cellular material or substances in the urine that are associated with a variety of metabolic and kidney disorders, and can help to find abnormalities that require follow-up. In many cases, substances such as protein or glucose will begin to appear in the urine before patients are aware that they may have a problem. The test is also used as a diagnostic tool that can identify or confirm the specific nature of a problem when a patient presents certain symptoms (e.g., a urinary tract infection when the individual complains of abdominal pain, back pain, painful or frequent urination or blood in the urine). The test may also be performed to help diagnose specific disorders such as endocrine diseases, bladder cancer, osteoporosis and porphyrias (a group of disorders caused by chemical imbalance); and for patients with acute or chronic conditions such as kidney disease, a urinalysis may be ordered at intervals as a method to help monitor organ function, status and response to treatment.
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