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In Home Supportive Services Subsidies
Taxonomy Code: NL-3000.3300
A program administered by the county that provides financial assistance which enables people who are aged, blind or have a disability, are limited in their ability to care for themselves and cannot live safely at home without assistance to obtain homemakers or chore workers to help them in their homes. To be eligible, recipients must meet income and resource guidelines which in some states are tied to Supplemental Security Income (SSI/SSP) eligibility. People who receive SSI/SSP automatically meet the program's financial need requirement. Those whose income is higher than the limits for SSI/SSP may still be eligible, but may be required to pay for part of the services they receive. In addition to the monthly income limits, there are also limits on the amount of resources a person can own and still receive these benefits. Resources include items such as savings, investments, and certain types of property and personal possessions. Eligibility requirements vary by state as do the types of services that can be authorized.
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