Service Tree

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Family Group Conferencing

Taxonomy Code: PH-2360.2300

Programs that work with families involved with the child welfare system using a process that brings together the strengths of families outside the courtroom setting to find solutions for children who have come into foster care or are at risk for placement outside the home due to abuse or neglect. If successful, children can safely remain with or return to a family member or, possibly, their parents, rather than be placed for adoption or have some other permanent goal established for them. Typically a case worker meets with immediate family members to identify the larger family unit to participate in the process, and a neutral coordinator works with the family as they discuss issues and options. Then the family works privately to develop a plan of action. People involved in the process may include parents, grandparents, other kin, children, tribal elders (where relevant) and individuals whom the family considers to be supportive (e.g., neighbors, clergy). In most instances, families participate in family group conferencing on a voluntary basis, though in a few locations, meetings are court-ordered. In some areas, the practice is also being used in juvenile justice and TANF cases.

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