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Suicide Prevention Hotlines
Taxonomy Code: RP-1500.1400-800
Programs that provide immediate assistance for individuals who are having suicidal feelings with the objective of helping them explore alternatives to self-harm or self-destruction. Included are local, accredited hotlines, countywide and statewide programs, programs offered by local nonprofit organizations and via 988, the three digit dialing code designated by the Federal Communications Commission to replace or supplement the existing toll free number for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, a network of more than 200 local crisis centers. Suicide prevention workers establish and maintain contact with the individual while identifying and clarifying the focal problem, evaluate the suicidal potential, assess the individual's strengths and resources, and mobilize available resources including paramedic or police intervention and emergency psychiatric care as needed. These programs can also help individuals who are worried about the potentially suicidal behavior of another with the objective of helping them identify warning signs and provide options for seeking further help. Hotline staff are generally available via telephone, email, chat and/or text.
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