Service Tree

The Service Tree lists all services in "branched" groups, starting with the very general and moving to the very specific. Click on the name of any group name to see the sub-groups available within it. Click on a service code to see its details and the providers who offer that service.

General Sexuality/Reproductive Health Education

Age-appropriate education programs that address the biological, sociocultural, psychological and spiritual aspects of human sexuality. Topics may include an introduction to the nature of sexuality and the process of reproduction; male and female anatomy; the function of hormones; the menstrual cycle; pregnancy; contraception and contraception options including abstinence, barrier methods, fertility awareness methods and hormonal methods; facts regarding contraception effectiveness; abortion and abortion methods; sterilization options; reproductive health including menstrual irregularities and typical causes, sexually transmitted disease/HIV and infertility; menopause; dating; marriage; responsible and caring sexual relationships; interpersonal skills; self-esteem; intimacy; body image; gender roles; and homosexuality. Not all programs address all topics.

Sexual Abstinence Education Programs

Programs targeting school-age children that are designed to delay the onset of sexual activity until the individual is married and thus reduce the incidence of adolescent pregnancy, STD transmission, and HIV/AIDS. Most programs address the benefits of sexual abstinence and promote the concepts that abstinence until marriage and mutual monogamous relationships during marriage are expected standards, that contrary behavior is likely to have harmful physical and psychological effects, that bearing children out of wedlock is likely to have harmful consequences for all, that abstinence is the only certain way to avoid pregnancy and related health problems, and that alcohol and drug use increase vulnerability to sexual advances. Abstinence education programs are offered by a variety of organizations including the schools, religious groups and agencies that serve youth; vary in format, some providing educational classes, others individual sessions; and may include role play components or other devices which help children learn and practice ways to reject sexual overtures.

Teen Pregnancy Prevention

Programs that provide a variety of informational and supportive services which promote healthy teen attitudes and behaviors regarding sexuality with the objective of heightening their awareness of the consequences of sexual activity and helping teens to avoid an unwanted pregnancy. Topics may include peer pressure, parent/teen communications, male/female relationships, values clarification, self-esteem, human reproduction, birth control and sexually transmitted diseases including AIDS. The goal of many of these programs is to help young people develop the knowledge, autonomy and skills they will need to make the transition to adulthood in good sexual health.
