Service Tree

The Service Tree lists all services in "branched" groups, starting with the very general and moving to the very specific. Click on the name of any group name to see the sub-groups available within it. Click on a service code to see its details and the providers who offer that service.

Internet Support Groups

Mutual support groups that schedule virtual "meetings" via the Internet. Included are e-mail listserv groups (which distribute posted messages to participants via e-mail), bulletin/message boards (whose postings are restricted to people who register), newsgroups (whose postings are unrestricted and open) and chat groups (which permit real time discussion) that are devoted to providing support for participants around a particular issue. Internet support groups are generally available around the clock; and are convenient for people with limited mobility, serious health issues or transportation problems, who don't have time for face-to-face meetings, or who simply wish to maintain their privacy and remain anonymous. They may be the only option for individuals with rare disorders or other unusual problems who are unlikely to find enough people in their local area to form a support group. Internet support groups may be monitored by professionals, but most are not.

Telephone Support Groups

Mutual support groups in which participants communicate by telephone, usually by conference call. Telephone support groups are generally facilitated by a professional and are convenient for people with limited mobility, serious health issues or transportation problems; who don't have time for face-to-face meetings; or who do not have access to an in-person or Internet support group.
